Draw: 4 pm on August 4, 2021 at the Lyon’s Brook Hall
Lottery License AGD-309063-21
Congratulations to winner Howard LaRocque, son of West Pugwash Branch member, Faith LaRocque!
Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia Lottery House Rules
- Before June 1, 2021, a booklet per Branch Member is to be sent to each of 34 Branches + 4 Members at Large, where each booklet will have 3 tickets per Branch Member. Each ticket will have a unique number for tracking purposes, and will request purchaser’s Name and Contact Information.
- Tickets are priced as follows:
- $2 for 1 ticket
- $5 for 3 tickets
- Electronic money transfers are NOT permitted.
- Tickets CANNOT be sold online.
- Tickets CANNOT be sold outside Nova Scotia.
- 50/50 prize value will be equal to half the 50/50 ticket sales revenue. Maximum $8000 in ticket sales for a maximum $4000 prize for this event.
- Branch Secretary will offer tickets to members to purchase, and will collect completed tickets and payments.
- Branch Secretary may request additional numbered tickets from the W.I.N.S. Office if desired, by contacting Christine MacKenzie at 902-753-6563 or novascotiawi@eastlink.ca.
- Branch Secretary or Member at Large must return any sold tickets to the Home Office of the W.I.N.S. Office Administrator, Christine MacKenzie. This can be achieved by sending via Canada Post mail to the W.I.N.S. Office, from where any mail received is auto-forwarded to the Home Office.
- Only tickets received at the Home Office of the W.I.N.S. Office Administrator by the deadline of August 1, 2021 will be included in the draw.
- Before August 4, 2021, the W.I.N.S. Office Administrator will ensure that all tickets are accounted for. The Branch Secretary will be contacted via email and/or phone if status of any tickets is unclear before the draw.
- Tickets are not refundable and are not eligible for tax receipts.
- On August 4, 2021, during W.I.N.S. Provincial Convention at 4 pm, one 50/50 ticket will be chosen at random at the Lyon’s Brook Hall. The draw is to be carried out by Christine MacKenzie and with three other people physically present at the Lyon’s Brook Hall to witness. Members present at Provincial Convention via ZOOM should be able to observe the draw as well.
- Winner need not be present to win.
- Name of the winner will be announced as part of the Convention virtual meeting, and also posted on the Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia Facebook page and shared in the next Home and Country newsletter.
- Winner will be contacted by telephone and/or email to make arrangements to deliver the prize.
- If the prize is not claimed by August 31, 2021, an alternate winner will be selected.
- Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia Office Administrator, and any other person residing within her household, are not eligible to win.
- By purchasing a ticket, purchaser agrees to allow Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia to use purchaser’s name and image without compensation for any promotional activity related to this or any future raffle.
- Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia will not publicize purchaser’s contact information.
- Proceeds from the 50/50 draw will support Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia operations, including but not necessarily limited to costs for Provincial Convention 2021.
- Must be 19 years or older and a resident of Nova Scotia to purchase tickets and to win.
Return Sold Tickets and Cash or Cheque Payments to:
Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia
208 – 90 Research Drive
Bible Hill, NS B6L 2R2
PDF Version of above rules can be obtained here: 2021 50 50 Raffle – WINS Lottery House Rules